3 other posts tagged "design"
Datatium - data as material for contextually responsive design
Wednesday, September 9th 2015
Responsive design is still very screen size focussed where as we should be considering context much more than we do. This talk explains how Datatium helps resolve this.
A 1 minute read (189 words).
Book launch of Jump Start Responsive Design
Wednesday, March 20th 2013
Working on my first book was quite good fun, though hard work, and today after all of that effort it's finally released.
A 1 minute read (146 words).
The things we take for granted
Tuesday, April 24th 2007
I had one of those amazing moments as a techie last night where you get so gobsmacked by something that you think about it even a day or so later. I was doing something on a mate's computer. Fair enough he isn't the most…
A 2 minute read (594 words).