Article archive - page 3
Web Facilitated Play in the Real World
Wednesday, July 25th 2012
How can physical interaction with digital media augment the experience of both and what part does the web have to play in this space?
Is this the end of Windows Server?
Sunday, June 10th 2012
A sacred cow has been bumped off over at Micrsoft with Linux now available in Azure instances. This is a major change in the server OS world.
Humanising the Internet of Things
Friday, February 24th 2012
Just making your device "smart" isn't enough - it needs to also be usable. The human aspects of IoT are consistently forgotten in this new interaction space.
App stores are delivery channels not search engines
Monday, November 7th 2011
The main purpose of the app store is not discovery, it's to simplify the installation process to get an app on your device. Discovery continues to happen through other channels.
We are the champions... of the web
Thursday, November 3rd 2011
The "problem" with the web is it's lack of control, but it doesn't need control, it only needs an unruly mass of champions to defend it and let the process unfold to win.
Neo-Futurism in the Information Age
Monday, October 17th 2011
Finally the gloom of the GFC appears past and the web community are attempting to dream big ideas again - a summary of WDS11.
On a post-flash world and Adobe's place within it
Tuesday, October 4th 2011
Sacred cows in the Adobe world finally appear to be on the BBQ. Recent signals from the tooling company suggest Flash may finally be about to die - and not too soon.
Device API - Applications of DeviceMotion & DeviceOrientation
Thursday, September 15th 2011
Modern smartphones are jam-packed with sensors attached to them. This data is now available for use in the mobile web browser too. Here's some things you can do with them.
The web of intent
Monday, August 8th 2011
Web applications could handle common tasks such as sharing or pinning using an Intent oriented design.
Microsoft “buys” Nokia for $0B - what this means for mobile.
Saturday, February 12th 2011
Windows Mobile 7 is the latest incarnation of the Microsoft mobile platform that started in the late 90s as Windows CE. It has always had relatively good penetration in the mobile business sector and has been the…